Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jack and Bill Went Up the Hill...

Several years ago, my husband and I decided to watch Season 1 of the series “24”. I was fascinated by the concept of making each one-hour episode a part of one day in the life of Jack Bauer. We enjoyed the first three seasons, and found Jack’s ability to always get himself out of incredible fixes pretty amusing.

However, after a couple of seasons, it seemed that the torture and violence became more ingrained in the show, and my husband told me that he didn’t want to watch any more of the seasons on DVD because he objected to the torture portrayals.

I am embarrassed to admit that I didn’t really notice the increase in torture as the seasons rolled by on my DVD player. I was actually more annoyed by the ridiculous situations people (usually Jack’s daughter) got themselves into. However, once the increase in torture was pointed out, I knew what he meant and agreed with my husband that Jack would never darken our door again.

I stopped watching the show, but admit that occasionally I wouldn’t mind watching it to see what Jack’s up to these days. I’m betting it’s still the same ol’ violence, torture, and bad attitude…

After reading the assigned articles this week, and after reading a few more online, I have a little more insight into this show. I can see that Jack Bauer could be compared to the cowboys of the Wild West, and that the “terrorists” could be compared to the Indians. Cowboys vs. Indians. Jack vs. Osama. Hmmm…

I think it is a stretch to compare Jack Bauer to Buffalo Bill though. While Buffalo Bill was a hero in the true sense of the word (or not actually so true), Jack Bauer is depicted as a guy who does whatever it takes to get the job done, and has absolutely no problem with doing illegal acts to accomplish the task. My impression is that Buffalo Bill would be the hero in white, and Jack would be the hero in black, sneaking around in dark alleys watching Buffalo Bill’s back, hacking off a finger or hand here and there. I heard Jack even got into the vampire craze by biting someone’s neck. Seriously??? Jack might be Buffalo Bill's scary cousin down in the basement playing with the Indian head that Bill chopped off. Come to think of it, perhaps they are more alike than I thought!

I think a lot of people love to watch Jack’s escapades because he is almost superhuman. He is the epitome of right, and routinely exterminates the evildoers. He will “do whatever it takes” to protect his country and the people in it. Who wouldn’t want to be his best friend? Well, I guess I wouldn’t want to be. I value my kneecaps waaayy to much...

I think 9/11 scared a whole lot of people. I think that Jack represents what many people want in a leader – someone who breaks the rules and doesn’t care who gets hurt along the way. Strong, one-minded George (oops – I meant Jack!)

I am a very liberal minded person, and I am completely outraged by some of the information that was reported about the Bush administration’s torture tactics. I believe that this can only be bad for the United States and worry about the young men and women who fight for us now and in the future. If they are captured, they will have no chance. It’s like all bets have been called off and there are no longer any rules. I worry about my grandchildren, especially my grandson, and what it will be like for them in fifteen or twenty years. I don’t like the way it looks - perhaps Jack will still be around to protect them.

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